How ANDIS Transforms Your Problem into a Solution
The whole process of the solution development is represented by the following graph. Click on particular development phase to display detailed information about that particular phase:
Discussion with the customer about the problem
It is very important to understand at the very beginning, what exactly is the client´s problem and how can ANDIS help him. In some cases the client knows relatively well, what he needs and in this phase he only describes his idea to his future project manager. But many times, the idea of the client what he really needs becomes clear only after the problem has been explained. Our expert, that is consulting with the client, specifies client´s idea and sometimes even changes it so that the solution offered can be as effective as possible.
Solution proposal
The concrete solution proposal is created by the future project manager and is based on his consultation with the client. The purpose of this phase is to verify, that the client and the project manager have understood each other correctly and proposed solution is really the right solution for the client´s problem. For a more simple tasks, such proposal can contain one page only, for more complex tasks, the project manager creates so called "Initial project", which then becomes an undivideable attachment of the agreement. One way or the other, this phase is finished only after both sides agreed on what will be the result of our work.
Work on the project
The actual work on the project lasts for a particular time, which the client and the project manager have agreed upon. If the task is more challenging, the project can be devided into phases, results of which are being controlled continuously. During this phase the project manager sometimes turns to the client with clarifying questions or additional proposals. Whether the work lasts for a week or several months, the project manager is checking continually that the resulting solution is in conformity with the initial client´s needs, but at the same time accepts new facts that appeared during the solution creation on the side of our client, his client, the technological possibilities etc.
Product hand over
After the product has been finished, it is handed over to the client. Handing over of simple projects is also simple - the project manager introduces the product to the client and shows him its functionality. Regarding more complex projects, the product is handed over to so called pilot operation, which can last for several weeks or even months. The purpose of the pilot operation is the assisted handing over of the project - the client has continuous support of the project manager during the phase of putting the product into real operation, he gets the necessary documentation, crew training and also has the right to ask for relevant modifications which increase the product´s value in use for example by more simple control of its particular parts. After the pilot operation has ended, the client will get fully functional product verified in real conditions.
Warranty/after warranty service
After the product has been handed over, the warranty period begins to count down, its length is based on an agreement. Naturally, also after the warranty period has ended, we offer the necessary service based on conditions we agreed upon with the client. Regarding more challenging projects we recommend the service level agreement (SLA) with time limits for beginning and ending of a service operation which the client and ANDIS agreed upon.