Dispatcher Program for Monitoring of City Public Transport



  • CLIENT: Dopravný podnik Bratislava
  • YEAR: 2009

The product is a customization of the system for vehicle monitoring. We have added into the system the ability to import schedules of the public transport and to vizualize the vehicles on public transport lines. The dispatcher has a complex overview of the whole situation of the vehicle park and can control the situation on one or more lines. At the same time, he can display the situation on a map.

As a source of schedules acts the import from the internal system of the Dopravný podnik company, as a source of GPS data and additional data the existing Tetra radio network has been used, which is operated by Radiopol, a.s. 

The solution has been deployed in all dispatcher workstations in Dopravný podnik BA and is intensively being used up to now. The development of the project was realized in cooperation with Technopol International, a.s.




© ANDIS 2025. Design and programming by Soyamedia